OpenPegasus Nightly Build & Regression Testing Status

Platform Report

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Branch MAIN
Options +CMPI,+ICU,+SSL
Date 17-Jun-09 21:00
Contributor IBM
Data Platform: LINUX_IX86_GNU (RHEL5)(+CMPI +ICU +SSL)
Branch: MAIN
Date: 090617
Time: 2100 GMT
Contributor: IBM
Options: +CMPI +ICU +SSL
METHOD TEST 1: Invoke Method with UTF-16 parameters

METHOD TEST 2: Invoke Method with UTF-16 method name
In 0.007656 Seconds

++++ Test Class, Qualifier, and Namespace Operations ++++

REPOSITORY TEST 1: Create Qualifier containing UTF-16 chars
Note: utfrep option was not set. Not using UTF-16 in the qualifier name

REPOSITORY TEST 2: Create Class containing UTF-16 chars
Note: utfrep option was not set. Not using UTF-16 in the class name

REPOSITORY TEST 3: Create Namespace with UTF-16 chars in the name
Note: Skipping this test because the utfrep option was not used
In 0.030565 Seconds

++++ Test Indication Operations ++++

INDICATION TEST 1: Send an indication containing UTF-16 to a CIMListener
Waiting to receive the indication (timeout is 10sec)
Error in TestLocalizedIndications: Timed out waiting for indication.
Error: Timed out waiting for indication.
make[3]: *** [g11ntest] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/opt/NightlyBuild/pegasusMain/pegasus/src/Clients/g11ntest'
make[2]: *** [runTestSuite] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/NightlyBuild/pegasusMain/pegasus'
make[1]: *** [run_G11N_TS1] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/NightlyBuild/pegasusMain/pegasus'
make: *** [serversuite] Error 2