OpenPegasus Nightly Build & Regression Testing Status

Platform Report

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Platform X86_64_RHEL5_RPM
Branch MAIN
Date 06-Feb-14 10:35
Contributor HP
Data Platform: X86_64 RHEL5 RPM
Branch: MAIN
Contributor: HP
Date: 140206
Time: 1035
Options: +CMPI +CQL +IPv6 +PrivSep +SQLite +SSL +WSMan

++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 16 SNMPv2c trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 0 SNMPv3 trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 8 SNMPv1 trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 16 SNMPv2c trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 0 SNMPv3 trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 8 SNMPv1 trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 16 SNMPv2c trap.
++++ The trap receiver has received 0 of 0 SNMPv3 trap.
PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT: Assertion `indicationTrapV1SendCount == currentReceivedTrap1Count` in testSnmpHandler.cpp:1190 failed
make[5]: *** [wql_4_2] Aborted (core dumped)
make[5]: Leaving directory `/disk1/buildMAIN/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Handler/snmpIndicationHandler/tests/testclient'
make[4]: *** [poststarttests] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/disk1/buildMAIN/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Handler/snmpIndicationHandler/tests/testclient'
make[3]: *** [poststarttests] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/disk1/buildMAIN/pegasus/src/Pegasus'
make[2]: *** [poststarttests] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/disk1/buildMAIN/pegasus/src'
make[1]: *** [poststarttests] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/disk1/buildMAIN/pegasus'
make: *** [serversuite] Error 2