OpenPegasus Nightly Build & Regression Testing Status

Platform Report

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Platform IA64_OPENVMS_8_2-1
Date 01-Feb-07 16:55
Data Platform: IA64 OPENVMS 8.2-1
Branch: RELEASE_2_5-branch
Date: 070201
Time: 1655 GMT

========== Filtered Build Logfile =================

PQB:12 cputim=6240
PQB: Current default directory: Pegasus_BldSrc:[]
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]CompareCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]CompareCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]Config.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]CopyCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]CopyCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]DependCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]DependCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]EchoCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]EchoCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]Files.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]Files.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]FilesUnix.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]FilesVms.cpp;2 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]FilesVms.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]FilesWindows.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]Makefile.;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]MkDirHierCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]MkDirHierCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]MoveCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]MoveCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]mu.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]PrependCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]PrependCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]PwdCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]PwdCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]readme.txt;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]RmCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]RmCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]RmDirHierCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]RmDirHierCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]SleepCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]SleepCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]SortCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]SortCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]StripCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]StripCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]TouchCmd.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]TouchCmd.h;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
%BACKUP-E-OPENOUT, error opening PEGBIG:[]VMS_Crtl_Init.cpp;1 as output
-RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded
PQB: mkmu_sts=%X10A38012. Sending emailmkmu_Status bad status message...
PQB: stsmsg=%BACKUP-E-NOMSG, Message number 10A38012
PQB: Current default directory: USER6:[HOVEYC]

mu mkdirhier /Pegasus_BldDsk/PQB25_070201/pegasus/pegasus_home_ia64/bin
mu copy mu.exe /Pegasus_BldDsk/PQB25_070201/pegasus/pegasus_home_ia64/bin/mu.exe
copy: failed to copy file
PQB: End make mu mkmu_sts=%X00000001 - Delta Time 0 00:00:01.46